Windsor Series Hi-Efficiency System (WsHE)
The original Windsor Series platform, since it’s inception, was designed with a steadfast commitment to quality and reliability as well as an added initiative to create expanded capability. The HE Series represents an evolution in expanded capabilities. Each component has been carefully selected and refined for the singular purpose of creating efficiency. The HE goal is to minimize salt consumption, minimize water consumption and reduce chloride discharge. The outcome is the High Efficiency (HE) Windsor Series Softener. A now time-proven and reliable design built for quality and reliability with enhanced features to enable High-Efficiency Capabilities.

The heart of the system is still the control valve; a now proven and reliable mechanical design with a simplicity of operation and ease of service to create intrinsic long-term value. Intelligent electronics form the brain of the system. Processing capabilities enable learning and adaptive features to expand system capabilities coupled with advanced diagnostics to direct, simplify and streamline troubleshooting. The tanks and media form the backbone of the system. Enhanced by modern synthetic resins for functionality and corrosion resistant composites for strength and durability.
- Double Backwash for maximum regeneration efficiency
- Adjustable cycle times for water conservation
- Learning controller with self-adjusting variable reserve capacity automatically adjusts to changing water patterns
- Optimized regeneration efficiency
- Minimized water consumption
- Minimized salt consumption
- Minimized chloride discharge
- Simple and reliable mechanical design with fewer moving parts
- Modular design for ease of service
- Non-corrosive valve body and parts
- Digital metering system regenerates only as needed.
- Learning electronics with intelligent and adaptive capabilities
- Service and troubleshooting notifications
- advanced diagnostic features to simplify and streamline troubleshooting
- 8 hour battery back-up during power failure
- Non-volatile memory is permanently retained during power loss